Self-portrait of a finger with a mask of a Hydra with a trunk.


Las hydras, con sus multiples cabezas siempre nos amenazan, siempre nos asustan, desde el origen de los tiempos. Guardianas del Inframundo no sabemos realmente qué o a quien cuidan, quizás sean tesoros, quizás sean ilusiones, quizás sean los palacios de un demonio temerosos o de un dios miedoso... Peleamos con ellas por pelear, matarlas por matarlas, pero no sabemos porque, seguimos en el mundo de los ignorantes, seguimos en el mundo de los miedos, el mundo de nuestros miedos... // The hydras, with its many heads we always threatening, always scare us, from the beginning of time. Guardians of the Netherworld do not really know what or who care for them, perhaps they are treasures, perhaps they are illusions, are perhaps the palaces of a fearful demon or a fearful God ... We fought with them for fighting, killing them by killing them, but do not know why, We follow in the world of the ignorant, still in the world of fears, the world of our fears...